In Italy and abroad
Up to now, Soccorso Clown has rendered its services, with continuing success, in many Italian and foreign hospitals, such as:
in Italy:
- The Bambino Gesù
- Polyclinic Gemelli and Polyclinic Umberto I in Rome
- The Meyer Hospital in Florence
- Le Scotte Polyclinic in Siena
- The Santobono Hospital in Naples
- The Modena Polyclinic
- ASL 4 in Prato
- The “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” Hospital in San Giovanni Rotondo
- Cremona Hospital Institutes
- “San Giuseppe” Hospital at Marino (Roma)
- Foggia Hospital
- The Center for Mentally and Physically Disabled in Manfredonia
- ASL1 Hospital in Massa
- Pasquinucci Hospital in Massa – Tuscan Foundation Gabriele Monasterio
and abroad:
- The “Blochin Cancer Center”, the “Center of Pediatric Radiography”, the “Endocrinological Centre”, the” Neurosurgical Center Burdenko” in Moscow (Russian Federation).